Surviving As An Extra In Fantasy World Isn't Easy

Chapter 36 36:Dungeon Trial[5]

David\'s body was battered with several internal injuries along with broken bones and fractures. Fortunately, he was in one piece.

Lucas pushed him away and crouched on the ground trying to get out from the piles of rubble. He gave a side glance at the unconscious David\'s body.

He took his bracelet and transferred the points to him and said"On account of using you as a meat shield I will consider our previous grievance null and void now."

"I am a kind guy so I left 10 points for you."

Then he aimed for his head, Lucas slashed his sword but before he could chop his head, a blinding flash appeared and David was teleported out.

"Haaa..."Lucas sighed and finally got up.

His body was aching with pain and his muscles felt sore.

He stretched himself a bit and sighed. Potions were forbidden so he had to suffer the pain.

"I think this is my limit," Lucas muttered while checking his points.

205 points.

He got 130 from David and wondered whether this much was enough to get into the top 30.

Frederick scored 1000 points. Out of which, he secured 700 points or near that by killing the monster along with the boss monster and the remaining were as compensation due to the foul play committed against him.

"He might have already met The Heir Of Ghost Clan. Weirdly, that man\'s lunatic."

Lucas mumbled as he remembered the strange words spoken by Parth. It was then, he heard the sound of explosions.

Lucas got up and brushed past the fallen trees and cleared his way to watch the scene.

Sharp protruding claws were swung.


There was a sound that rang aloud when the claws and blade collided. Charles chewing his lips, slashed his sword burning with a brownish aura.

Charles skillfully dug into the wolf\'s arms and trying to divert its claws, he pulled it back and swung his sword towards the abdomen trying to split that place.

However, the wolf\'s front paw swung before Charles aimed straight at his chest. In the first place, the front paws were too big and heavy.

Charles uses his sword to defend himself.

A clunking sound was heard and spurting blood Charles was thrown in the air.

Charles\' sidekick tried to get over the Steel wolf\'s back but with a shrug, it shook them away. Then, it diverted its attention toward Charles and amassed energy over the protruding horn preparing to fire at Charles.

Charles grunted and his expression tensed. Attempting to get on, he made a mad run trying to avoid the blow.

Even if he was 3-Star, his speed was at 2-Star+ making him inferior against the Steel wolf.

At that time, a figure immediately ran out and a beam of light exploded from his hand and shot at the Steel Wolf.

"How did that son of a bitch appear here?"

"Damn...Damn!These puny bastards can\'t do a simple thing," Charles spat angrily.


Another explosion occurred and the force that struck Steel Wolf threw it into confusion.

Frederick, holding his spear, shot straight toward the Steel Wolf and smashed his spear.

Lucas, who was watching the battle from a safe distance, gasped in relief.

"Thank God, he arrived early. I think he did not fall into the trap like before. Parth and Rose are also there. Still, I can\'t believe they were able to fend off a 4-Star."

"Coupled with the bizarre tricks they had, it was hard for a foe to fight them without prior information."


"Now finish things here before any more variables occur. I don\'t care if the plot goes to shit. Just kill this thing before something unusual occurs."

Lucas gawked at the battle admiring their battle prowess. Just one hit from the Steele Wolf was enough to send him to the afterlife but Frederick and Charles were able to fight it head-on.

"They will finish up the things. I should leave before things become dangerous.\'\'Lucas got up and darted back.


Meanwhile, the wolf\'s body twisted at an odd angle. Its large body stretched out and craved a trail in the air. Suddenly, the Steel Wolf pounced at Frederick.

Rose loaded her bow and fired arrows.


A rain of arrows poured over it. The Steel Wolf jolted and jumped back with a shriek.

Two of the arrows struck on the dorsal side.

The Steel Wolf took a puff and growled violently seeing more arrows coming at it.

The arrows bounced off due to being hit by the shockwaves of the Steel Wolf\'s scream.

When the Steel Wolf was busy fending itself from the rain of attack, Parth\'s figure emerged from the shadow.

He lunged at it from a blind spot and gained a foothold over the wolf\'s back. A dangerous glint flashed in his eyes coupled with a devilish grin.

Raising his two daggers, he did multiple stabs which left shallow wounds.


It shrieked in pain and tried to roll over the ground, to crush Parth who, noticing the wolf\'s intention, leaped in the air.

The Steel Wolf changed his plans and swung its paw at Parth but before it could reach it, Frederick hit the Steel Wolf with his spear.

"Yeah! My bro."

"I knew you got it."

"Frederick, what would I do without you?"Parth almost cried in joy.

"Shut up!"Frederick shouted asking Parth to stop fooling around.

"All of you be careful of the lightning attack," Frederick shouted, noticing the Steele Wolf gathering energy.

Feeling threatened by seeing the glowing horn, everyone stepped back.

However, instead of attacking, the Steel Wolf stared around grievously. It was intelligent and could think over its bestial instinct.

Under the barrage of attacks, it thought of a countermeasure. Instead of fighting in such a disadvantageous situation, it decided to run towards the forest by clearing a path for itself with bolts of lightning.

Everyone retreated and bounced back to avoid being fried by bolts which allowed it to escape.

"It\'s running away. Stop it."Frederick shouted and ran after it, preparing to deliver a strong blow.


Frederick swung his spear to shatter the rock spike thrown at him. He turned his gaze merely to find Charles giving him a hateful gaze.

"I don\'t have time to fight. Let\'s hunt together and divide the points."Frederick suggested.

"No! How dare you lowly bastard suggest something from that vulgar mouth of yours."Charles roared in anger.

"I don\'t care about the boss monster anymore. I will defeat you and take your points and win the trial naturally."

Charles waved his hand and his four side kicks stepped forward.

"Mate, I don\'t think that wise. You are not the only one with the numbers."Parth spoke and appeared beside Frederick.

Ross stretched the string of her bow preparing to shoot from afar.

The atmosphere became heated up quickly and a hush silence prevailed.


On the other hand, slowly and steadily, Lucas dragged his tired body through the humid forest.

"Come on...Just finish the trial already. Why does the author extend trials like these to the last minute," Lucas complained, frustrated by sore muscles.

Lucas searched for prey. Unable to sense other\'s mana properly due to clogged acupoints, it was difficult for him to look for the monsters, and on top of that, he did not encounter any monsters like previously.

Though it was a relief, it also made him wonder.

"Have all the monsters here been killed?"Lucas said.


Lucas\'s ear perked up and his expression darkened.

"Something is coming here. Should I dig a trap here?"

"It looks ..."

Before he could finish his sentence, he saw trees swaying violently and crashing sounds echoed all around.

"What kind of monster is this?"

Lucas who tiptoed trying to look afar suddenly trembled. His expression blackened and his scalp went numb making his hair stand up in fear.

"Holy shit!\'Lucas cursed, then turning back he ran.

It was none other than the Steel Wolf.

Seeing it coming his way, he looked up to the sky and spoke.

"What the hell happened there?"

"Damn Frederick, I believed in you so why did you have to turn out so unreliable."

Knowing his life was pulling another prank on him, he shouted.

"Fate if you are listening, I want to convey two magical words to you."

"Fuck You."

Lucas screamed in anger cursing his bitchy fate while running away for his life.

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